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MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center

MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center, a member of MedStar Health, was facing linen issues common in the industry. Nurse and staff satisfaction were low, linen utilization was extremely high, and the linen staff had no visibility to how much linen they were losing every day or how to stop it.

  • No. of Beds = 364

  • Annual ED Visits = 93,812 

  • Annual lbs processed = 2.2 million

  • Linen ownership = COG

Business Challenge

To curb the growth of linen utilization and increase staff satisfaction, the hospital selected the alEx automated linen center. After an initial alEx installation covering linen distribution points in the emergency department and the hospital’s newest tower, the organization then expanded the project. Working within IPA’s targeted control strategy, Franklin Square grew alEx coverage to 33 total distribution points with 75% of all linen distributed by alEx.

The alEx Solution

According to Gardner, Franklin Square began to see a return on their investment within just four months, and the savings continue to accumulate. Over a 1.5-year period after the project began, linen pounds per adjusted patient day (PPAPD) dropped 11%, from 14.64 to 13.09. Plus, the organization saved a total of $600,792, or 22% of total linen costs.

While the financial savings impressed hospital leadership, the linen department also enjoys a better relationship with the hospital’s nurses and other staff members. “One of the biggest benefits we have seen from alEx is that our caregivers are now confident they will have the linen they need,” said Gardner.

The alEx solution sends automatic alerts to linen staff when inventory runs low, and nurses can page from the unit when specific items need to be replenished. Plus, the clearView software system provides insight into linen utilization and optimum par levels to ensure each alEx location is stocked per that nursing unit’s unique needs.

“As soon as we started using alEx in one part of the hospital, we began receiving requests from nurses who wanted to know when their floor would be getting a unit.

...The nurses liked that linen was only accessible to authorized users, so we quickly expanded the alEx program.”

Alex Gardner III

Corporate Director, Supply Chain Management

The Results

  • $600,792 cumulative savings, or 22% of total linen costs

  • 25% decrease in linen utilization in alEx distribution areas

  • Increased nurse satisfaction

  • More proactive linen service thanks to better data visibility



$163,660 SAVED

Actual Spend | ■ Estimated Hospital Spend










$437,132 SAVED

Actual Spend | ■ Estimated Hospital Spend

















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